Articles [Health & Fitness]

మీరు గనుక మీ పార్టనర్ కు సెక్స్ లో తృప్తి నిచిన్నఇంకా పిల్లలు పుట్టట్లేదు అంటే కారణాలు అనేకం చెప్పుకోవచ్చు. గర్బదరణం అంటే కేవలం సెక్స్ చేయటం మాత్రమే కాదు ఇంకా చాల విషయాలు ఉన్నాయి. పిల్లలు పుట్టట్లేదు అంటే చాల కారణాలు ఉన్నాయ్ అందులో ఒకటి స్పెర్ము...

Introduction This is not secret that in winter people put some more weight and become fat. This happens in festivals especially when good delicious food is made in our house and as this season is called the season of laziness, people stop to do...

Overweight people and diets According to experts the key to shedding pounds is not just eating less or exercising more but it is all about learning how to handle your emotions with regard to your intake. I was reading an account of an experiment...

There are 3 seasons which we experience in a year, which are summer, Monsoon and winter. Just has every coin has 2 sides, in the same way there are good and bad sides of every season. At one time we enjoy the change of season, but on after some...

भूमिका ताजे फलों और हरी सब्जियों के रस में विटामिन, मिनरल्स, एंजाइम और नेचुरल शुगर होता है . इनका नियमित सेवन हेल्थ के लिए काफी लाभदायक होता है . ताजे रसों में पाए जाने वाले तत्व रोगनिवारक तो होते ही है, साथ ही शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम को भी ठीक रखते...

This article deals with the most dangerous disease AIDS caused due to a virus called HIV Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome is a medical condition cause due to a virus called HIV. HIV is the virus,AIDS is a medical syndrome caused due to HIV....

I exactly don't remember, but it has been a long time since smoking in public areas has been banned. But still that ban has not been enforced strictly and you can see a good number of smokers smoking in the public areas and they are least afraid or...

भूमिका  उम्र के बढ़ने के साथ-साथ पेशियों पर दबाव पड़ता है। अधिक दबाव और विकारों के कारण हड्डियों में कैल्शियम और दूसरे खनिज पदार्थो की कमी होती है और पेशियां कमजोर हो जाती है। रीढ़ की हड्डियां चोट, दबाव और किसी भी प्रकार के विकार के कारण...

Oregano Oregano is a famous herb used in most of the Italian culinary cuisine. It gives a nice aroma to the food and also has many medicinal properties.  Oregano aids digestion and helps cure various stomach related problems due to the...

Everybody has heard and talked about calories. But many people don't know what is calories. As we use 'Kilo' as unit to measure any solid things, same as we use 'Calories' as unit to measure energy needed in our body. Most of the living...

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