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Can I edit the grammatical errors of my published article.
Can I edit the grammatical errors of my published article.

Yes you can, but it will be unpublished and admin will re-allot cash credit in that case.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thank you said by: Abhishek Dass
How can I add caption under the images in my article.
How can I add caption under the images in my article.

You can give the source of your images at the bottom of your article and if you can manage to post them at exact spot while formatting your article, you can try that. But be very careful this site does not support any copyrighted images or work that is not your own.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Hello... Is monthly revenue sharing system has gone.. I mean no January revenue sharing announced yet.. Asking just for information.

Hello... Is monthly revenue sharing system has gone.. I mean no January revenue sharing announced yet.. Asking just for information.

There is no official announcement as such, but maybe the admin is too busy right now. Yes January and February share issue is pending along with bonus for Feb articles. Let's hope and wait for admin to announce these soon.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thank you said by: AKP
In forum, in some topics i replied and clicked 'Get notified for other replies". But i did not get any notifications when others replied to those topics. Where do i get these notifications?
What do we get for writing quotes? cash credits or only points?
What do we get for writing quotes? cash credits or only points?

Please read through FAQs, rules etc. and topics in Help category of forum. It will give you answers to most of your queries. Everything is there, you just need to search and searching for these things will help you understand the mechanism better than someone readily answering your questions!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Hello... Is monthly revenue sharing system has gone.. I mean no January revenue sharing announced yet.. Asking just for information.

There is no official announcement as such, but maybe the admin is too busy right now. Yes January and February share issue is pending along with bonus for Feb articles. Let's hope and wait for admin to announce these soon.

Guys, apologize for the delays on my part, its been extremely hectic days all through last couple of months and may be next. However, the major problem for me is to access to my laptop and internet as I am most out of coverage for the most of time. On personal front, these things doesn't help me to get things done on time, however I assure you that everything will become smoother in coming months.

Regarding Jan and Feb revenue sharing, they are now published. Top writers contest details for Feb will be announced tomorrow.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you said by: AKP, Kalyani Nandurkar
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